Meet our 2015 Marathon Team

marathon: (măr-ə-thŏn’) Noun 1). A footrace of 26 miles, 385 yards; 2). A contest of endurance As if it wasn’t already, The Boston Marathon® has become a household name across the U.S. and quite possibly, the world.  There are many reasons one chooses to...

Marathon Team Needs your Help to Cross the Finish Line

Boston Partners’ Team Makes Final Push to Reach Fundraising Goal One month from today marks the start of the 2013 Boston Marathon®, a world-renowned road race that tests the mental and physical limitations of even the most elite runners. On April 15, 2013,...

Meet our 2012 Boston Marathon® Team

Name: Stacey Best Occupation: Attorney Marathon Experience: 2011 Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon Training Tips: Patience, good nutrition and rest are essentials. Favorite Ice Cream: Nona’s & Coldstone (anything with chunks of chocolate) Favorite Pre-Run Meal:...