Student Nomination Form: Motivate

Boston Partners in Education’s Motivate program is designed to support Boston Public Schools students in grades K0-2 in a whole-class setting. Classes meet with mentors in person during the school day.
We make new mentoring matches from September until late April. While we strive to match as many students as possible, we cannot guarantee that your student will be matched. For the best chances of being matched, please nominate your students as early in the school year as possible and with as much detail as possible. Please contact us at [email protected] or call (617) 451-6145 with any questions.

If you want to nominate students in grades K-12 for one-on-one or small group mentoring support, please review our program offerings here and decide which is the best fit.

Requesting In-Person Motivate Support
Terms & Conditions

To begin, please verify that you agree to the following terms and conditions:
  1. I will tell my class about their academic mentor and the purpose of their match with Boston Partners in Education prior to the match starting.
  2. I understand that my class’s academic mentor is an unpaid volunteer who will work to the best of their ability to be as consistent and reliable as possible.
  3. I will commit to a consistent schedule with my assigned mentor, working with them on the same day and same time each week from when they are matched until the end of the school year.
  4. I will communicate with the academic mentor about class attendance to reschedule as needed.
  5. I will update Boston Partners in Education staff about any changes to my class’s needs and/or availability.
  6. I will update Boston Partners in Education staff if the students served by the match change.
  7. I will communicate with the academic mentor to discuss student progress and provide feedback.
  8. I will reply to Boston Partners in Education’s check-ins to provide regular updates and feedback about my match.
  9. I will provide the mentor with a designated space and materials. This can be in a classroom or in another shared space.

            School & Contacts

            Please list the individual who is leading the class the mentor will visit each week. This is who we will contact with periodic check-ins and to seek feedback about sessions. Please enter your BPS email without spaces.

            Please list the individual who is submitting the nomination for support. This is who we will contact for updates about the nomination. The requester and the teacher may be the same person. Please enter your BPS email with no spaces.