Meet our 2021 AMP Award Winners!

John C. Rennie Mentor of the Year: Myriam Hernandez Our 2021 Mentor of the Year is Myriam Hernandez, a name you might recognize from a previous story on our blog. She is known for having a “familiar face,” to students at the Hernández School where she has been...

An Investment with a Priceless Return

Financial services company becomes integral part of school community For companies in the financial sector, success begins with making a good investment. Natixis Global Asset Management (Natixis), a global firm with a Boston office, took this idea to a new level when...

Guest Post from our Big Cheese Reads Gala Honoree

The Big Cheese Reads Gala is held annually each spring to celebrate our work in the Boston Public Schools, but it’s also a great opportunity to recognize our sponsors who make that work possible. At this year’s gala, we are excited to honor Jim MacDonald,...