50 Years, 50 Stories: The Devastating Fire of 1981

The Context 1980 kicked off the decade with a potent mixture of inspiration and uncertainty. While international concerns still weighed heavily on the nation, there was a feeling of technological progress and optimism domestically. Star Trek: The Motion Picture was...

50 Years, 50 Stories: The Library Program, Part Two

(Read Part One of The Library Program here.) It was during the second year of the program that Margaret Brown met Polly Kaufman at a parent volunteering conference. Kaufman joined the program and quickly ascended to a leadership role. Though she was a library...

MLK Scholars Summer Reflections

This summer we were proud to host three high school interns from the John Hancock MLK Scholars Program. The goal of their internship was to support Boston Partners in Education with community outreach and volunteer recruitment. All three Scholars attend Boston Public...

What Leadership Means to Us

It is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that we announce Pamela Civins, our Executive Director since 2006, will be stepping down from her role at the end of the calendar year. Pamela has played a critical role in the development and success of our organization....