50 Years, 50 Stories: The Devastating Fire of 1981

The Context 1980 kicked off the decade with a potent mixture of inspiration and uncertainty. While international concerns still weighed heavily on the nation, there was a feeling of technological progress and optimism domestically. Star Trek: The Motion Picture was...

Guest Blog: Academic Mentor Kathaleen Mercier

Kathaleen Mercier has been a volunteer with Boston Partners in Education for three years. This year, Kathaleen is volunteering as an academic mentor at the Burke High School – the same school she attended as a child – where she works with ESL (English as a...

50 Years, 50 Stories: 75% of the Job

Teachers have often used Boston Partners in Education to either transition into teaching or to decide if teaching is something that they truly want to do. Then, academic mentors who go on to become teachers will recruit their own Boston Partners mentors for their...

Tips for Closing Your Mentoring Match

As the end of the school year approaches, we encourage you to start thinking about closing your match with your student. Match Closure is the process of transitioning or ending relationships with your students, and as our friends at MENTOR point out, it is a natural...