A Year of Realizations

By Cory Murray Strategic Partnerships Coordinator – AmeriCorps VISTA I have traveled a fair amount in my life, moving with my family several times and taking adventurous vacations. This built my internal clock to tell me that once I start feeling comfortable...

MLK Scholars Summer Reflections

This summer we were proud to host three high school interns from the John Hancock MLK Scholars Program. The goal of their internship was to support Boston Partners in Education with community outreach and volunteer recruitment. All three Scholars attend Boston Public...

10 Things I Learned as an AmeriCorps VISTA

by Amy Hahn Branding Coordinator VISTA, Boston Partners in Education   August is finally here, which means my year of service as an AmeriCorps VISTA with Boston Partners in Education is coming to a close. As I reflect on the past year, I think about all I learned...

AmeriCorps Week Guest Blog – Cory Murray

This week marks AmeriCorps Week 2017 — a time to salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their service, thank AmeriCorps community partners, and communicate AmeriCorps impact on communities and on the lives of those who serve. Beyond showing appreciation for our...

Guest Blog: Academic Mentor Kathaleen Mercier

Kathaleen Mercier has been a volunteer with Boston Partners in Education for three years. This year, Kathaleen is volunteering as an academic mentor at the Burke High School – the same school she attended as a child – where she works with ESL (English as a...

National Service, Local Impact

by Amy Hahn Monday, January 16, 2017 marked the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service for AmeriCorps members nation-wide. The MLK Day of Service is a way to transform Dr. King’s life and teachings into community service that helps empower and strengthen local...