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Pathfinders Speaker Interest Form

Boston Partners in Education's "Pathfinders" program introduces business, community, and cultural leaders to BPS students of all grade levels through a one-time classroom visit. Pathfinders discuss their chosen professional paths and share insights into their industry and the opportunities available after high school. Students are encouraged to prepare questions for the guest speaker, and teachers are encouraged to incorporate the Pathfinders visit into a broader discussion of real-world applications and career pathways.

Boston Partners in Education is collecting interest to match Pathfinders speakers for the 2024-25 school year. If you would like to be a Pathfinders speaker, please fill out the following fields so that we may begin to match you with an appropriate school. Thank you!

Occasionally, teachers request Pathfinders guests who can speak to diversity and representation in their chosen career field. For that reason, we invite you to share your race and gender on this form. These fields are optional.

Please note: These are the data labels used by BPS.