Submitting an eCORI

Special Instructions

Below you will find the link for Boston Public Schools’ online CORI form. If you are a returning Boston Partners in Education academic mentor and haven’t already submitted a CORI for this school year, please complete the form and contact your Partnerships Manager.


In addition to responding to all other required fields, please select the following responses, as shown below:

  1. Type of Volunteer as “Partnered Program”
  2. Volunteer Location as “Partner – Boston Partners in Education”

If you do not select Boston Partners in Education as your volunteer location, we will not receive your CORI check. You will need to scroll through all BPS schools listed to the partner section of the drop down and then find “Partner-Boston Partners in Education” alphabetically.

eCORI Form Link:


Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have a Social Security Number?

On the CORI form, please fill in 00-0000 in the SSN field. Boston Partners in Education does not require you to have a social security number to volunteer.

For any questions about this field, please reach out to us at [email protected].

What happens when my CORI is submitted and how long does it take to process?

Once your CORI has been submitted, it can take up to 4 weeks to process.

I just received an email that my ID must be confirmed at the selected location. How do I confirm my ID?

This email applies to new volunteers only. New volunteers will have their ID confirmed during their interview.

If you are a returning volunteer, you may disregard this request. Returning volunteers only need to contact us if their information has changed.

How should I answer the residency question on the eCORI?

This question wants to determine if there is another US address you’ve been associated with in the past 5 years.

If you’re a permanent resident who has lived at your address for 5+ years, select “YES.”

If you’re a permanent resident who has NOT lived at your address for 5+ years, select “NO,” and then “previous address: last apartment.”

If you haven’t lived at your current address for 5+ years or haven’t lived in the U.S. for 5+ years, and your previous address wasn’t in the U.S., still list your previous address.

For any further inquiries or assistance, please contact us at [email protected].