Celebrating 10 Years of The Big Cheese Reads

From humble beginnings in its pilot year (2004-05), The Big Cheese Reads, Boston Partners in Education’s signature sponsorship and middle school literacy initiative, hit its stride in Fiscal Year 2014. This year marked the initiative’s 10th anniversary, and with that...

An Investment with a Priceless Return

Financial services company becomes integral part of school community For companies in the financial sector, success begins with making a good investment. Natixis Global Asset Management (Natixis), a global firm with a Boston office, took this idea to a new level when...

A Luminous Evening at the Prudential Center

If you were out and about on Monday evening, you may have noticed the soft glow of red & white from high atop the Prudential Tower. What you may not have realized was that the Prudential was lit in those colors to honor Boston Partners in Education! Each night in...

Once Upon A Time

In fairytales, fairy godmothers are whimsical characters – able to grant wishes with the wave of a wand. They are special figures in the life of a main character that help to make their dreams come true. For one teacher at the William E. Russell Elementary...

Confidence = Success: A Math Rules! Story

Since 2005, Boston Partners in Education has run Math Rules!, a program targeting third through fifth grade students who are struggling in math. Small groups of students are matched with an academic mentor who works with them in the classroom while math is being...