A Year of Realizations

By Cory Murray Strategic Partnerships Coordinator – AmeriCorps VISTA I have traveled a fair amount in my life, moving with my family several times and taking adventurous vacations. This built my internal clock to tell me that once I start feeling comfortable...

Shelby Riley – The Value of Connections

An academic mentor is someone who can help a student not only with their homework, but with some of the emotional and social challenges the student is experiencing outside of school. Often, it’s this second component of mentoring that proves to be the most defining....

Laura Koepnick and Lai Lai Sheung

An academic mentor for over 10 years, Laura Koepnick has spent most of her time as a volunteer working with students in Lai Lai Sheung’s class at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School. That is, until Ms. Sheung retired from teaching last year. Now the pair...