Volunteers and School Partners Recognized at 2018 AMP! Awards

On Tuesday, June 19th, Boston Partners in Education was honored to recognize this year’s class of volunteer mentors and school partners at AMP!, our annual celebration of the community members who make our work a reality in Boston Public Schools (BPS) classrooms. This...

Mentoring in Context: How Mentors Help Close the Opportunity Gap

Last week, we were proud to partner with Northeastern ACES to bring together a panel of insiders from the Boston Public Schools (BPS) to discuss the history of the opportunity gap within our city’s public school system. Our panel of experts included Miriam...

Kathy Weld Named AMP! Mentor of the Year

Boston Partners in Education was honored to present the John C. Rennie Mentor of the Year Award to Kathy Weld at the 2019 AMP! awards celebration. Since 2015, Kathy has been a fixture in David Russell’s classroom at the McKinley South End Academy, one of four McKinley...