50 Years, 50 Stories: The Library Program, Part One

50 Years, 50 Stories: The Library Program, Part One

  In 1966, there were no libraries in Boston public elementary and junior high schools. This was due in part because in many schools, teachers could not receive funding for new books in their classrooms, let alone enough to fill a lending library. The school...

Samantha Drivas: Community Ambassador

Devoting your life to public service can teach you a lot about people. Just ask Samantha Drivas, who has been a mentor to younger children since she was in middle school. “I think my biggest trick is relating everything to pizza. Anything can be pizza, and they will...

Meet Our MLK Scholars: Kledion Naksi, John D. O’Bryant School

I’ve known since last summer that I would be back at the Boston Partners in Education office at least one more time. I loved my experience as an MLK Scholar last summer, and I remember expressing an interest in returning to Boston Partners during the program’s final...