Comicazi Cookie Clash 2011 Wrap Up

Last Saturday over 200 people gathered in a Davis Square comic book shop with one goal in mind: To eat as many cookies as possible! Of course, eating all of those cookies had a nobler purpose. By paying a $6 entry fee, attendees of the Comicazi Cookie Clash 2011 were...

A Call for Bilingual Volunteers

Recruitment & Big Cheese Reads Coordinator and School Volunteer Program volunteer Carolina Davila wants to know, “How you are helping our future leaders?” As a Boston Public Schools alumna, my appreciation for education has truly grown since I...

From Brighton to Brewster

Ruth Chobit believes in children. “I don’t believe in the word ‘can’t’” she says, laughing. “I just tell the children ‘You can do it, you can do it!’” What she believes in so passionately is that they can succeed – at reading, at school and in life. For 15 years,...

A Family Tradition Rooted in Reading

At the root of every holiday celebration, are family traditions. This holiday season, families all across Boston are celebrating their own traditions—families like the Henriquezes of Dorchester. Carlos and Sofia Henriquez (pictured above) are also part of our Boston...