Partnerships come in many forms. If you come to the offices of Boston Partners in Education, one of the first things our staff will tell you is how lucky we are to have partners right in our building. We are hosted by the home of John Snow, Inc. and World Education, Inc. on 44 Farnsworth Street, and we have ample space and a great environment to perform our work. That has allowed us to build strong relationships with other people in the building, and even recruit them to be part of our volunteer team. Such was the case with Power Lunch partners Sarah Laaff and Beth Gragg, who paired up to become reading partners with a young girl named Amy at the Josiah Quincy School. In the podcast below, Beth and Sarah discuss their mentorship with Amy and the impact it has made on all of them.
Note: Beth has recently joined the Board of Directors for Boston Partners in Education, further enhancing her partnership with the organization.