“When my mentor Brian and I first met, instead of starting work right away, he took the time to get to know me. This made it feel like a safe space to grow. I knew that whatever I said, would not be judged. Because of this, I was not afraid to ask questions or to say ‘I don’t know.’”
Imani Christou-Fuller
Sophomore, Boston Arts Academy

Dear Friends,
In the past year, Boston Partners in Education embarked on a project to determine our next set of strategic priorities. We’d emerged from the impact of three years of global upheaval that had turned many of our goals on their heads, and we needed to figure out what was next.
In the course of that analysis, we’ve realized that over the fifty-six years we’ve been a nonprofit, the heart of our work has remained constant – to serve and support the students and teachers of the Boston Public Schools – while the approach we take to that work has been able to flex and adapt to the needs of our students and our families. We stay true to our mission, and we evolve; from providing schools with libraries and librarians, to riding on buses to keep students safe, to providing academic mentors in classrooms, to providing that support outside of traditional school time.
FY22 was an exemplar of that flexibility, that willingness to learn and grow. Our programs evolved – we refined our virtual Independent Learning Support program and increased the number of families it reached. Our presence
evolved – we have a new website that speaks to our work and dedication. And our mission, vision, and values evolved to better reflect our commitment to the diverse community of learners in the Boston Public Schools. We’ve worked to make the values and organizational culture more transparent to everyone, in order to hold ourselves more accountable to upholding them every day, in all of the work that we do.
As we continue to create the strategy that will carry us into the next three years, it’s important that we stay true to those core values, which center around communication, flexibility, and a shared purpose. We look to all of you, our partners, friends, and supporters, to make that commitment with us. Thank you for all of your contributions – we look forward to the next chapter with you.

Erin M. McGrath
BPIE Executive Director

Last year, we introduced our refreshed visual identity – our first rebrand in almost three decades. This year, we’re proud to share the final steps in our organization’s transition into a new era: our updated mission, vision, values, and culture. These guiding principles will continue to shape our strategic planning and program delivery.

Last November, we launched a redesigned bostonpartners.org with the goal of providing more accesible content dedicated to each of the constituents in our BPIE community. We’re proud to now offer space where mentors, educators, families, and partners can access the specific information they need to receive support or get involved. In addition, we aimed to modernize our site to match our updated approach to program delivery, and to better showcase our work in the Boston Public Schools. We hope you enjoy it – you can take a short tour below.

Find The Content For You!
In addition to showcasing our updated brand, our new website was built to make it easier for our core partners to access the types of support they’re looking for.
Whether you’re a volunteer, educator, student, or guardian, you can easily find the materials that are relvant to you right from the main navigation bar.
Volunteer Resources Hub
One of our new site’s highlights is a new and improved Volunteer Resources Page – a collection of tools that can provide additional support and help mentors build skills to maximize the mentoring experience.
Whether you’re looking to provide your mentee with additional material during your sessions or learn new strategies and approaches to supporting students in the classroom, you can find the specific materials you need to prepare on this new page.

It was a pivotal year for schools, and we could not have accomplished as much as we did without our dedicated academic mentors. With the help of 330 volunteers, we provided weekly mentoring support to over 900 Boston Public Schools students, in classrooms and online! That equates to over 8,900 mentoring hours in school year 2021-22.

My name is Imani Christou-Fuller – I’m a sophomore at Boston Arts Academy and I’m excited to share a bit of my story with you.
I have always struggled with math and science growing up. In my freshman year, I was struggling when it came to understanding my math and physics assignments. When my teacher noticed how much I struggled, she offered the opportunity to get help from an academic mentor. I agreed, expecting to just get help in academics, but I got so much more. I was not expecting to get help with my future career, organization, and personal guidance.
When my mentor Brian and I first met, instead of starting work right away, he took the time to get to know me. This made it feel like a safe space to grow. I knew that whatever I said, would not be judged. Because of this, I was not afraid to ask questions or to say “I don’t know.” Whenever I told Brian that I was struggling he said that it was okay and paused the lesson to go over what I was confused about. This made math and science so much more clear for me. This style of teaching, pausing to make sure I get each part right, really fit my learning style.
As we got to know each other better and started talking more and learning more about each other, I talked about some of my aspirations for my future career. I explained how architecture has always been very interesting to me. I never really considered it as a career option because I wasn’t sure if it was something I would enjoy or excel at. Especially since I felt like I wasn’t particularly good at drawing. However, when I told Brian about my interest in architecture, he encouraged me to learn more about it. In our next meeting, he learned the basics of perspective drawing so that he could pass that knowledge on to me. As I practiced drawing with Brian and at home by myself, my skill started to improve and I became more confident in my drawing skills.
At the end of freshman year, I was discouraged by my grades. When I told Brian that my grades weren’t that good, he told
me not to worry and that I have a lot of time to improve my grades. He also shared how his grades were not perfect when he was younger either. We returned to talking about my career and started looking up the required GPA for colleges that I’m interested in. Based on those required GPAs, we set some short term goals to help me achieve those long term goals. This was really motivating for me.
One of the main reasons for my struggles in math and science was my lack of organization. I had a really hard time organizing my materials for class. I would often get distracted because of this. Brian talked about strategies to help being more organized and we are continuing to have these conversations about organization. He told me that he also struggles with organization and told me some strategies that help him stay organized. He reassured me that, even though he is in the middle of his PhD, he still struggles with keeping things organized and that it’s ok to still be on the path of growth.
My high school experience started in the middle of a pandemic. It was difficult for me to learn because I couldn’t really pay attention to my Zoom classes. One second I’d be engaged in the lesson, and the next I would realize that I’ve been zoned out for the past 20 minutes.
Having one on one mentoring sessions was helpful during this time because Brian was able to notice when I was zoning out and redirect and refocus me. Or, if I had a sudden thought about something unrelated, he would allow me to take the time to talk about it and get it out of my head before returning back to our work. Once I returned to my work, I was more ready to be engaged and focused. Even though he was good at being a mentor over Zoom, I am really happy to finally, after 2 years, have met him in person!
I hope my story has shown the benefits that a great mentoring relationship can provide. I really look forward to continuing my growth and reaching even higher goals with my mentor.

A large part of our strategic planning in FY22 focused on our increased commitment to equity. Advancing equity has always been fundamental to Boston Partners in Education’s mission, but we knew that it was important to be more intentional about our approach. The changing needs of Boston’s public school students, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, meant that we needed to refocus and refine our equity efforts.
We began our planning process by asking ourselves one important question: how closely does BPIE – our mentors, staff, and Board – reflect the students that we support, in background and in shared experience? To find out, we compiled the demographic information for BPIE’s core constituents and compared them to our student population in a comprehensive Transparency Report. This data helps us to identify the important gaps in our hiring and recruitment practices that need addressing along our DEI journey.
Most importantly, these findings provided the foundation for an Inclusion Report – the highlights of which are detailed below. This report lists three key takeaways – and the concrete action steps – we’ll focus on addressing in the 2022-23 fiscal year to continue building a more inclusive, representative BPIE.

1. Outreach
In order to reach more mentors who are reflective of our BPS students, we need to reimagine how we conduct mentor outreach.

2. Staffing & Governance
The voices of our students need to be heard at all levels of the organization, which includes recruiting board members and staff who share identity with our students.

3. Inclusivity & Retention
In order to align our updated mission and values with our work with students in the classroom, we need to build more DEI and culturally sustaining practices into mentor training and partner onboarding.

WCVB: ‘Big Cheese’ tells students about realizing dreams through hard work
Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper kicked off our Big Cheese initiative at the Mario Umana Academy in December 2022 – and WCVB Channel 5 was there to highlight the program as it enters its 20th year!

Boston Globe: Omitting local organizations in discussions of receivership would be a critical mistake
In this Boston Globe Letter to the Editor, BPIE Executive Director Erin McGrath argues the most sensible plan toward BPS improvement is one that relies on the expertise of those who are closest to the process.

Associated Press: With aid to spend, schools look for students who need help
The Associated Press shined a light on the Rivera family and their experience with BPIE’s ILS program, alongside many other student support programs around the US. We’re proud to be one of many partners schools have turned to as they look for ways to identify students in need of additional support.

- Joseph & MaryLynn Antonellis
- Keith Block & Suzanne Kelley
- PwC Charitable Foundation
- Analog Devices
- Ken & Kavelle Bajaj
- Cummings Foundation
- Alok Kapoor
- Jim Kerr
- Liberty Mutual Foundation
- Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Mass Mentoring Partnership
- Salesforce
- State Street Foundation, Inc.
- The Boston Foundation
- Accenture
- Andrew Kreps Gallery
- Rueben Bajaj
- Sunny Bajaj
- Boston Public Schools
- Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
- John & Suzzara Durocher
- EIS Group
- Fullwood Foundation
- Google, Inc.
- Guidewire Software
- Randy Peeler
- Salesforce.org
- TD Charitable Foundation
- The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc.
- Tiny Tiger Foundation
- Abt Associates, Inc.
- Bridgehaven Foundation
- Deloitte
- Ron & Mara DePoalo
- Doors Residential Brokerage & Advisory
- Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
- Scott Evoy & Alexandra Steinert-Evoy
- Jack Fallon
- GreenPages
- Hemenway & Barnes, LLP
- Greg & Karen Henderson
- Scott & Niki Hutzler
- Darrin Lang
- M&T Bank
- Michael & Jacqueline McKenna
- Art & Connie Page
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- Quantiphi, Inc.
- John & Dorothy Remondi
- Ropes & Gray LLP
- Howard Rubin
- StoneTurn Group, LLP
- The Dubilo Hill Group – Graystone Consulting Morgan Stanley
- The HYM Investment Group, LLC
- Kevin Wasielewski
- Brad Wilson
- Peter & Susan Workum
- Lena Bottos
- Charles River Associates
- FJN Charitable Foundation
- Gaston Electrical Co., Inc.
- John & Mary Heveran
- Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
- Meg Jordan
- Paresh Joshi
- Meredith & Jim Laudisio
- Dennis Mahoney
- Christa Matukaitis
- Ivan Matviak & Heidi Gardner
- Kathryn Mehta
- Stephen & Mary Neff
- Norman M. Shack Charitable Foundation Trust
- Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
- PCMA New England Chapter
- Grant Simpson
- Pauliina & Peter Swartz
- Andrew Thorne
- Jib & Beth Wilkinson
- Emily Aaronson
- Shelia Anderson
- Anonymous
- Vinoda Basnayake
- Chris Bentley
- Boston Teachers Union
- Adam Branch
- Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
- Cambridge Trust
- City Realty Group
- Colin Dangel
- Scott Emerman
- Joel Feinberg
- Fusion Alliance
- Charles Gibson
- Beth Gragg
- Lisa Haley
- Kelly & Ed Hardebeck
- Mary Ellen & Gates Hawn
- Ron & Megan Hovsepian
- Bob Howard
- John Snow Inc.
- Andy Kall & Katie Woodling
- Pramodh Koshy
- Ramatchandiran Krishnaswamy
- Joe & Karen Levy
- James Low
- Erin McGrath
- Julianne & Kyle McHugh
- Richard Middleton
- Victor Milione
- David & Mary Ellen Morse
- Ken O’Hara
- Eric Pinstein
- P. Alexander Rolfe
- Edwige Sacco
- Ira Shaw
- Jay & Lynda Shuman
- Michaela Soctomah
- Corin Sotiriadis
- SquareWorks Consulting, LLC
- Subbiah Subramanian
- The COOP
- Town Fair Tire Foundation
- American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation
- Anonymous
- Heather Brack
- Mark & Sheryl Bunker
- Ellen Callahan
- Janelle Clifford
- Mark & Cynthia Coleman
- Wilson D’Souza
- Ashley & Matthew Damon
- Bruce Daniel & Susan M. Dacey
- Howard & Sheila Galligan
- Brian Granetz
- Nicole Green
- Alan Greene
- Stephen Hammer
- Van Hawn
- Jared Hendler
- Matthew Jemal
- Thiag Loganathan
- Nick & Diane Lopardo
- Susana B. Lopez & Douglas A. Levin
- Nathan McConarty
- Kalin McGowan
- Julia Mejia
- Dianne Moreno
- Morgan Morgan
- Reportable Inc.
- Anthony Rizzo
- David & Kristin Shapiro
- Janet Smith Idzal & Joe Idzal
- Cheryl Steinberg
- Jessica Tang
- The Well Coffee House Boston
- Stephen Todd
- Jordan & Mendie Welu
- Tim & Allison West
BPS Committed Partner Schools
- Artists for Humanity
- Blackstone Elementary School
- Boston Arts Academy
- Boston Community Leadership Academy – Hyde Park (11-12)
- Boston Latin Academy
- Boston Latin School
- Fenway High School
- Gardner Pilot Academy
- Hernández K-8 School
- Jackson/Mann K-8 School
- Kenny Elementary School
- Mason Elementary School
- McKinley Middle School
- McKinley Preparatory High School
- McKinley South End Academy
- Mildred Avenue School
- Quincy Elementary School

With thanks to:
- $1–$499 donors
- 2022 peer-to-peer fundraisers
- Isabella Besecker Bequest Society donors

In addition to providing a meaningful commitment to our city’s public school students, BPIE’s Board of Directors offers critical guidance, ideas, financial support, and serves as ambassadors in the community.
*Note: the below list reflects current memberships of the BPIE Board.

Joseph Antonellis
Vice Chairman (retired), State Street Corporation

Lena Bottos
Strategic Projects, DEPT®

Heather Brack
Web Developer, John Snow, Inc.

Beth Gragg
Organizational Development & Training Consultant

Lauren Heerlein
Senior Director of Marketing, Virtusa

John Heveran
EVP & CIO of Global Risk Solutions (retired), Liberty Mutual Insurance

Alok Kapoor
On leave of absence, Fidelity Investments

Claudette Kerr
Teacher (retired), Boston Public Schools

Joel H. Lamstein
President (retired) , John Snow, Inc. & World Education, Inc.

Darrin Lang

Ivan Matviak
Executive Vice President, Clearwater Analytics

Michael V. McKenna
Vice President of Sales, TAG Cyber

Emmanuelle Renelique
Owner, Awakening Excellence Adult Day Health Center

Ira Shaw
Managing Director, Crow Holdings Capital

Jay Shuman
Independent Consultant

Grant Simpson
Vice President, Finance & Operations, Beautiful Destinations

Michaela Soctomah
Forensic Services – Director, KPMG LLP

Subbiah Subramanian
Head of Data Modernization and Analytics, DTCC

Tully Sullivan
Associate Director, Public Relations and Communications, The Fletcher School at Tufts University

Jessica Tang
President, Boston Teachers Union

Andrew Thorne
Partner, PwC

Tim West
Director of Marketing, Gaston Electrical Co.

Jib Wilkinson
Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Brad Wilson
Managing Partner & CEO, StoneTurn Group LLP